eGRiST hosted a full-day training session for mental health practitioners at Newton Rigg College, Cumbria.
The session, running from 11:00-16:00, introduced practitioners to the use of the online GRiST service for assessing and managing risk in those with mental health difficulties. In particular, the training focused on the GRiST risk formulation model and how it facilitates risk management.
GRiST is used by several NHS trusts and non-profit organisations to assess five main risks: suicide, self harm, self neglect, vulnerability and harm to others. After completing an assessment, the clinician produces a risk formulation which clearly identifies risks present, factors affecting these risks, and factors protecting against them. This helps the clinician and the service user to understand how the risk can best be managed over the short and long term.
Recent GRiST training also involves a discussion about how the service can be used most effectively, informed by feedback from clinicians. When used with the optional 'Mind Map' interface, GRiST can be useful not only as an assessment, but also an intervention. One clinician described that in their ideal scenario, the care worker completes the assessment collaboratively with the service user, visually identifying areas of concern within the mindmap and discussing these through the process.

Over the coming year, we will continue to deliver training across the country and adapt our training materials based on feedback from clinicians and service users.